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Denise's trip to Canada

October 9 - 20, 2000

Where to begin? Probably early in the year 2000. When my grandmother Iet Stokbroekx, died. At age 90 she had lead a long and fullfilling life.

oma Iet

When writing cards to the relatives to inform them of this sad occassion, I came across the address of Vivian. Hmmmm.... Vivian, now that sounds kinda exotic. "Who is she?" I asked my mom. "She's the oldest daughter of uncle Pol", she informed me. With that simple sentence, a rush of memories ran through my head. Uncle Pol... sure enough I remembered him!!


uncle Pol

It was this tall man who once visited my parents and me way back in the sixties. The man who loved my mom's peasoup and spoke with this funny english accent. Another memory flashed through my mind. Didn't he also have a son we met overhere? A certain Richard, whom, or so he keeps telling me, I lusted after when I was a mere lass of 14 years old?

lucia and rick     Adele and Cam  ken and vivian

So we got talking about our Canadian relatives. And how nice it would be, if we could get in touch with them again after so many years. Other family members remembered more recent visits of both Vivian and Adele. They attended the reunion in 1988. "What a bummer I never got to meet them", I thought. "But here's my chance to set that straight".

Instead of just sending the card, I added a personal note including both my snail- and email address. I didn't think I would get a reaction soon, but lo behold. Sooner than expected, and out of the blue, I received an email from Adele!! I was tickled pink with pleasure. They are alive! They DO exist! And best of all, what I gathered from Adele, they wanted to get in touch with the dutch relatives again.

Little did they realize, that my main form of relaxation is galavanting the globe. Be it in person or via the electronic highway. I think they know better now! A devious plan was shaping. Wouldn't it be nice to fly to Canada and meet my relatives "in the flesh" so to speak. The travel agent handed me many colourful brochures on Canada and I found myself wandering through this beautiful country on paper.

After all, I had my 3 weeks vacation coming up soon, and no place picked to go yet. But wouldn't it be too bold and forward to just bolt over and impose on them? Invade their homes without much warning. Would they not scare off if this unknown 2nd. cousin marched into their homes.

In the meantime, Adele had sort of laid out the "floorplan" of the whole family. I started to learn who is who and who does what and with whom and why or why not. Vivian wrote a wonderful letter with many tempting clippings of beautiful B.C. and eventually Richard joined the fun by writing some mystery filled emails.

So while I was sailing the Greek waters (NOT) in the pouring rain, my plans began to finalize. At first I had still thought about going to the USA first, rent a car and then drive to Winnipeg. This changed a bit. I found myself with "only" 2 more weeks vacation left. Receiving a warm welcoming email from Rick, made me decide to call the office and have my secretary book a return ticket Amsterdam - Vancouver. And after a whirlwind weekend, doing mainly laundry and repacking my suitcases, I found myself winging my way to Vancouver.

Arriving "merely" 45 minutes too late, after a rather uneventful flight, I set foot on rainy land. With a heavy suitcase I rolled through customs. The task ahead would be to detect Richard, who I bet, must have changed over the years. And he would probably walk around with a 30 year old picture. Nevertheless, within a minute this vaguely familiar guy walks up to me asking me "are you Denise?" And thus after all that time we were re-united. Wanna see what, according to wife and daughters, unusual outfit he was wearing?------> see below:

rick at nighthome

't Was a happy reunion, and we soon found ourselves yapping away, trying to bridge 30 years of information while driving home. After about 45 minutes (I think? I was jetlagged!) we arrived. I got to look at the fifth wheel before entering the casa. Nothing had prepared me for the loud exciting cheers of merry girls bouncing and tumbling down the stairs, welcoming me in a heartwarming way! "Why are you not wearing wooden shoes?. Gosh you are tall. Do you live in a windmill?" was just a small handfull of the large assortement of questions fired away at me. You must have guessed.... I just met Michelle and Brittany and in a more quieter fashion Lucia. My first evening I managed to stay up a fair bit and get aquainted with the family, that would be "my" family for the rest of my stay. A wee drink and off to the basement where my bed was made.

Tuesday I got the special treatment. As in... they let me sleep in. I think I deserved that! The rest of the day, Lucia was gracious enough to let me tag along with her to several shops and a short detour via her friend Nicole to the store where I could pick up hairproducts from Sebastian. These cost you an arm and a leg in Holland. Then on to yet another mall to pick up a present for Brittany who was having her birthday the next day. "Floss", Lucia said I should get her. Still looking a bit puzzled she took me into a store that sells needlepoint things and other accessories. I must admit, I never touch the stuff, let alone know what to get. But I think we were succesfull, judging from video footage I took the next day. I'm not sure how the rest of the day proceeded, but I DO remember it involving some nice glasses of home-made wine and a wonderfully prepared dinner! Don't let anyone tell you different, but Lucia is a GREAT cook. I loved her Ceasar Salad!! (for recipe, please contact: Lucia's recipe)

michelle and brittany wine

wines starbucks

Since the relatives had assured me that Vancouver has a marvellous transportation system, I saw no need to rent a car and on wednesday, with a little assistance from Michelle in getting a ticket, set out to explore the city. I took the so-called Skytrain. It wasn't until much later, I discovered this train has NO driver. Yikes! Not bothered then, being driven around in an unmanned vehicle, I enjoyed the scenery and walking downtown Vancouver. I gazed over the harbour, strolled down gastown, had my first Starbuck's coffee there. Marvelled over the gasclock, smiled at the statue of "gassy Jack" and decided to have my lunch at "the brothers", where a monk welcomed me as "sister". Drank two gin martini's for those interested. Those hit the spot. And soon after found myself "railing" back home. After all, we had to sing for the birthday girl.



By the next morning, Michelle had browsed through nearly the entire phone directory and came up with many interesting city tours. Soo interesting indeed, that she decided to join me on the 10 o'clock tour. This meant getting up in time to join the workforces on the skytrain. Noooo problem whatsoever. We were picked up around 10.15 am by our only native indian tourguide. While Michelle was off, getting rid of some coffee, our guide walked up to me inquiring if I were on his tour. I told him "yes" after which he continued saying I was a beautiful lady. The man stole my heart!!! The tour itself was very interesting and took us criss cross through town. Pointing out various interesting spots, of which I made a mental note, to revisit the coming days. We saw downtown, gastown, China town, Stanley Park, QE park and much much more. At QE park we even had our picture taken with a beautiful parrot. See EH?

parrot totem stanley vancouver2

The guide had many interesting stories to tell laced with humourous anecdotes. For lunch he let us out at Granville Island, where Michelle and I had yummie chinese. The tour went on and on, even though it said only 4 hours in the folder. Yikes... Michelle would run late for work. But we made it time. So she rushed off to her duties, while I hopped on a seataxi to North Vancouver. Wandered around a bit, bought souvenirs for the folks back home and treated myself to a nice birthday gift. Around 4-ish I returned, only to get TOTALLY lost after I got off. They thought it was hilarious.... Wait till they get overhere!

In the meantime two handsome young lads had announced, they would like to take their dutch cousin out for lunch! I was duly impressed. However, they had to make it a fast lunch that friday. That's when I would make the trip to Kelowna to meet Vivian and Ruby with their spouses and kids. It was decided earlier in the week, that Rick would drive me up there, provided I would take the wheel for a bit. Especially after several warnings from both Lucia and the girls <lol> this made sense. Friday Matt and Mark showed up. We said our hello's and together with Lucia were whisked off to a restaurant near the ocean. We ended up in a place run by a german, who didn't even blink when I adressed him in German. Had a lovely lunch, thus ensuring the lads, they were more than welcome to stay at my place in Amsterdam end of October! Don't worry dear reader, I would have welcomed them without the lunch. Around 2.30 pm, all except ME, fretting about Rick's reaction, we got back at the house, grabbed some stuff for the journey and were on our way. A full tank, a full CD player and a full bladder.... what more does one want? Right? EH?

pee stop
1 of 3 by now famous pee stops NO bedpans for this girl!

The trip was beautiful. To a low-lander anything over 10 feet is considered a mountain. So you can imagine my jaw constantly dropping to the floor. It was overwhelming. The rugged mountains, the most beautifully coloured trees, the empty highways, the wild rivers. SIGH. The company was great. Lots of singing and swinging during the drive. Jim Groce will never seem the same.

A wee bit too late really, we arrived at Vivian and Ken's house, where appetizing smells of food filled our nostrils. After the handshakes and hugs and getting to know eachother rituals, Ken soon found a willing victim to sample his wine! No additives, no artificial colouring. All pure. Sheesh, that stuff was heady! But tasted good! The food was excellent and while we were still dining, Ruby, Jack and Carrie arrived. Great, more family to meet and greet. Seeing both Vivian and Ruby together, they reminded me very much of my grandmother and her sisters, when they were young.

ken denise vivianjack carrie and ruby ruby and vivian

More alcohol flowed that evening, as you can see in the picture above. Many pictures were looked at. Vivian handed me some of the newsletters that were sent to them years ago. It was a joyous reunion. With some goodnatured banter. Here I was, trying to get those men converted to the women's lib era <lol>. Fat chance! But I had fun Ken, Jack and Rick......... just glad I ain't married to ya <wink wink, nudge nudge>. Ruby and Carrie were off to Reno early next day, so we said our goodbyes that evening. With me hoping to see some more of them in the future. Did we drink a nightcap or not? Mmmmm I forgot. I do remember sleeping like a log in the computerroom. Not even tempted to switch it on.

Next day after a sumptuous breakfast (I was ready to marry Vivian..lol) we were off, with Vivian driving, to a winery. The drive over was spectacular. Of course the evening before I got a glimpse of the lake, but it was too dark to really take it all in. Now in daytime it was quite a sight. Of course I learned all about the Oki-monster. Needless to say I NEVER saw it!! We crossed the floating bridge, drove through the hills.... (a song springs to mind......the hills are alive.. with the sound of muuuuusic... la la la la) and after a little "detour" found ourselves listening carefully to what the young lady in the winery had to say. Oh c'mon lady.. hurry it up... we wanna taste the stuff. Which we did at the end of the tour. Never did we once spit out the nectar of the gods. Ya gotta be kiddin' eh? The previous night I had expressed a rather healthy interest in a Mounty, so after spending some time at the casino and strolling around the parks, Vivian showed up with a gorgeous Mounty and his dog. Nope!! I ain't gonna tell you what I did with him. A lady is entitled to some secrets! That night Vivian must have killed an entire cow. We had T-bone steaks for dinner and boy where they H U G E... During the cardgame later that evening, they kept telling me to take of my sweater. WHAT? and show them that I had to unzip my pants, due to Vivian's cooking? No way! I think we could've beaten those guys at cards Vivian! Next time okay!


Sunday alas we had to depart. Such a shame we couldn't have spent more time with the relatives in Kelowna! After breakfast, we climbed back in the car and drove off. Only to return after a couple of minutes. Rick forgot his sunglasses. Or so he thought. Eventually, after turning the house upside down we found them in the back of the car. Way to go Rick! On our way back, I saw snow on the mountaintops. Snow that hadn't been there before. Seeing vast amounts of snow and water sure had it's effect on my bladder. Unfamiliar with Rick's reluctance to make pitstops, I forced my poor host to stop at least 2 times! Nature called and there was no way in hell I was going to ignore that call. Returning to Casa de Stockbrocks was a happy event. Ehm... shall we just skip the marvellous birthday party Brittany had? I think so! From now on, no more apple bobbing in the kitchen young lady! They just don't make ovendoors the way they used to <lol>.

Monday, Michelle was gracious enough to join me on a trip to Capilano suspension bridge. A sight I wouldn't have missed for the world! The by then constant drizzle, gave a special je ne c'est quoi to the forest. Low-hanging clouds between the trees, made it look out of a fairytale. After looking the place over and getting our bearings, we finally got up enough courage to step onto the 450 ft. ( 150 meters) bridge, overlooking the magnificent canyon. It swayed enough to cause a slight sensation of motion sickness. We walked the bridge back and forth and took many photo's. Some of which you will find below. We saw traditional totem poles and their carvers. By 1 pm. we were a bit peckish, so decided to have a fantastic lunch across the street. To my surprise, the place was filled with fellow dutchies. Of course I did not let them know I was one of them. But rather enjoyed eavesdropping. After lunch, we grabbed the bus back and checked out a little store with native art, to see if my ring was ready. We stalled long enough for the jeweller to show up! He did a great job on the ring, which I'm presently wearing. Michelle had to leave for work and I spent some more time on the quai. Met up with Rick and rode the skytrain home. I had to put in an early night because I was meeting a lady I'd met through the Internet long time ago.

 capilano2   capilano1  capilano3

indians and denise capilano fog

denise at capilano michelle on capilano indians and michelle

Tuesday was pleasant enough. A tour on foot through Vancouver which made we wish for my bike. I even ended up in a museum <lol>.

Wednesday was a resting-day. FINALLY!! While Lucia was preparing dinner for MANY of us that night and wouldn't let me help, I just lazed around the house. Went with her to the store. Bought yet more stuff that would not fit in my suitcase, sigh. I was ready late afternoon to meet the others. Pat, Matt, Elsie, Adele and Cam. A fine reunion it was. Dinner was yummie and lively. Especially since Rick chose to give me faulty chair. Only through sheer muscle control I didn't find myself flat on the floor! They had such fun! Harumph. There followed the ritual exchange of "country-typical" pressies, and of course leafing through many photo albums. If only to prove that YES I do decend from the Stockbrocks. I had a fantabulous time that night! The evening came to an end with Rick reading from his journal he kept while visiting Holland 30 years ago. The girls were flabbergasted to say the least! Daaaaaaad! You didn't!!!! Was commonly heard. Far-out and communing with nature another. Lucky for me, by that time Adele and Cam had gotten used to my "make-over". Courtesy of my cousins <lol> To show that I've got balls (well so to speak) I shall post their result.

dinner in canada dinner in canada1

denise makeoverdenise makeup      scary eh?

Thursday, I was pleasantly surprised to find Adele and Cam NOT to be early risers! My kinda guys! So we puttered around the house before whizzing off in their spaceous rental. I want me one of those! We drove around and ended up visiting Vivian's daughter #1 with her lovely son Dominick! Meanwhile we had been in contact with Alison as well. To arrange a meet with her. Alas, no such luck. By the time we were leaving she hadn't shown up, but would surprise us later that evening. On our way back home, we picked up the converted video of my grandmother's 80th. birthday. This way the Canadian relatives could meet most of the dutchies. That night, which was my LAST night, I had planned to go out. A farewell dinner. Boo!! Where had time gone?? It all went by soooooo fast. The girls suggested the Keg and that's where we ended up. Lucia, bless her, was the designated driver, who, poor woman, had to put up with 7 of us. Including a husband who is still stuck in that era, where men think they're better drivers. Good on Lucia.. .she never blinked an eye and stood her ground!!

farewell dinner

fltr: Brittany, Allison, Adele, me, Rick, Lucia, Cam

Dinner was animated, lively, noisy and GOOD! At least I thought so! Even Michelle got her alcoholic beverage in end. She really is 19 yo. folks! I found myself surrounded by a loving warm group of family. How could I possible leave them?? I had enjoyed their hospitality, their immediate acceptance into their homes, the friendly banter, the dynamics, the laughter and the tears. I sure leave a piece of my heart there.

I had decided earlier in the week, I would join Rick on friday to see his work and drive up to Squamish. I'm glad I did. In spite of this poor man having to lug my rather heavy suitcase, he kept his cool. The ride to Squamish was spectacular to say the least. I know I keep repeating myself, but for an inhabitant of a country which highest point is a mere 300 ft. it just is overwhelming. Right before we entered Squamish Rick dropped me off at Shannon Waterfalls. Said he would pick me up in an hour! The bastard didn't! Argh... <lol> Blaming it on a sudden powerloss. Yeah right! So I waited.. and waited... and waited... while heavy rain soaked me to the bone. I think this was his supreme moment of REVENGE!! For all the lip I gave him. He made up however by taking me to lunch. Fish and chips. How British can you get? It was delicious. Overlooking the harbour with it's huge ferries and tiny sailboats. All kidding aside, it was a great day Rich! Until.... I began to (according to Rick) whine. Worrying whether we would make to the airport in time. We did! Hurray for him and Vancouver traffic. Made it with time to spare. After our hugs goodbye, I found myself sitting on a bench outside the airport. Melancholy washed over me.... I had to go home... and didn't want to one little bit! But such is life........ I know for sure I shall return!!!!!!! And hope to, one day soon, repay you for everything when you come over. Already plans for a big reunion are forming in my head!

shannon    shannon1

THANK YOU ALL..... YOU LOVELY RELATIVES IN CANADA!!! You've made my vacation a VERY SPECIAL ONE. HUGS AND MWA.emlips.gif (100 bytes)  emlove.gif (102 bytes)


If you want to comment, or just say hello, please email me at:
